Take AAMC practice tests

Experience Real MCAT Questions: AAMC practice exams are written by the same organization that designs the MCAT, making them the most accurate representation of test content, style, and difficulty.

Gauge Your Readiness: Track your scores and use them as a baseline to see where you stand and identify areas to strengthen. Aim to take at least two full-length exams to assess progress over time.

Build Test-Day Stamina: These exams are essential for adjusting to the MCAT’s 7.5-hour length. Try to take them in a simulated test environment to build endurance.

Learn from Detailed Feedback: Review explanations carefully. Understanding why you got an answer wrong is just as important as knowing why you got one right.

Refine Your Timing: AAMC exams also help with pacing, training you to answer questions efficiently and make the most of the 90-second average per question.

Using AAMC practice exams helps solidify test strategies and build the confidence you need for the real thing!


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